Thanks for stopping by the site! This map is intended to display where the deceased descendants of Rocho Waskowiak (1745-1805) and his wife Eva Kleczkowczyk lived over time.
All of the couple's great grandchildren who lived moved to the LaSalle-Peru area in Illinois in the late 1800s.
For those six great grandchildren and their descendants, the pop-up window for each will be color-coded based on which great-grandchild the family has descended from. The color code is as follows:
John-green, Frank-purple, Joseph-blue, Paul-orange, Mary-yellow, and Anton-pink.
Not all of the descendants are currently shown on the map, but will be added over time.
For inquiries regarding the research behind this family history, please contact Pam Broviak at pbroviak at
(The map was adapted from the Derek Eder template found at Searchable Map Template using Google Fusion Tables).